I have a weird (I think) think where my favourite fantasy is setting a woman down on a table and just having my entire dinner off her belly, and eating and sucking out as many things as possible from her bellybutton. (I guess food play, but entirely on the bellybutton?)
I also have a thing about female bellybuttons being used for miscellaneous things like as a game board, a canvas, a candle holder, etc. (I got it after seeing some vid in yt where a dude launched a paper ball into a woman's navel like he was playing extra mini golf). Never seen anything related to this either.
The only thing similar to this I've seen are body shots (which I think are very cool), and that cooking scene in Hot Shots. Apart from that, I've seen a similar scenario in an Indian movie and even by some 5 minutes crafts copy lol. (If interested, at 8:30.)
I always thought I was a lone man with my fetish and I'd never see any clips satisfying any of them ever, but discovering this site has made my change my mind. Y'all are some seriously knowledgable folks and maybe there might be a few people like me here who might have stumbled on their gold.