We've added the following #hash tags features for our forum:
- Tag Cloud (which can be accessed from menu)
- Members can "Tagg" Topics (not individual posts)
- Members can add and remove tags to the topic (will be added soon).
- Clicking a tag returns a list of tagged topics that have that tag.
- Recent tagged topics on tag cloud page.
Note to members:
Tags are to be used responsibly, staff have the right to remove or modify any tag if they feel it's unsuitable for our site.
Why did we added a hashtag system to our forum?:
Members wanted an easier method to find what they were after. For example, some members wanted to find topics based on "outtie" trends; well... we've now made this possible. When a member tags a topic with outtie, and you click the tag, all topics tagged with that word will be returned to you in a nice list. It's a lot more efficient than using the forum search.
We feel this feature will add a much richer forum experience and members will love it. :)