So, the qualifier rounds are finally coming to their end! You can still vote until Sunday midnight before the actual world cup is gonna start on Monday!
Besides the qualifier winners there will also be a lot of other countries, so you´ll see new great pics of their girls for the very first time ;)
Those countries also taking part in the belly button world cup without their own qualifier threads are (in alphabetical order):
Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Ethiopia (Äthiopien in german), Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Denmark, England, Guinea, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Cambodia (Kambodscha in german), Cameroon (Kamerun), Congo (Kongo), Lebanon, Moldova, Myanmar, New Zealand, Austria (Österreich), Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Rwanda, Scotland, Switzerland, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Uruguay and Uzbekistan.