00swatcher Whatever the Deer Woman was wearing in the Masters of Horror. The actress is Cinthia Moura.
Twinworlds Acquaintance of mine has her belly button pierced (sorry to those who despise them, I’m a huge fan) recently went on her bachelorette party trip. She has always worn the exact same purple belly button piercing for years, and this is the first time I’ve seen her wear a different piercing (the blue one). Based on that I like to think she chose this dress, at least in part, due to that it would exposes her belly button and the new jewelry. Pictures aren’t the greatest quality but I still enjoy them. A close friend from high school who would frequently wear shirts that would expose her stomach, especially when moving or reaching. She’s a dancer and a naturally dynamic individual so she moves around a lot. Freshmen year of college she got her belly button pierced and this is probably one of my favorites of all time - the entire outfit is based around exposing her belly button.