I for one am really getting tired of the Uber Girl Power themes of all these recent female superheroine films/shows. We're trying to get to a point where the protagonist's gender doesn't matter anymore and while it was cool back in the 90s/2000s I feel it's starting to get us to regress back. They should have just had her be Batwoman and not make her gender a big deal at all. That would have been better for progress in my opinion.
In their (much needed) defence, they inherited Supergirl from CBS and Batwoman is the closest they can get to Batman without pissing off DC superfans.
And with Arrow ending after the Infinite crossover, I feel like this is their dark gritty replacement.
All fair points. If you recall, with such movies like "Terminator", "Aliens", "Charlie's Angels", and "Kill Bill", there wasn't any overbearing moments of "THE PROTAGONIST IS A WOMAN! YOU MAD, BRO!". This trailer is now getting more thumbs down than the trailer to the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. There's nothing wrong with superheroines, but when you have lines like "It will be perfect, once it fits a woman", when you could have had her say "It will be perfect, once it fits me", I can understand people feeling insulted by that level of pandering.