@Tummiesandnavels: Yeah, what the others said. Watch the damn movies already, jeez. ;)
I do fear that there will be painfully bright lens flares with every clash of the lightsabers. No thank you if that's what JJ has in mind.
Honestly, I think he learned his lesson. The lens flares got ridiculed so much, he even jokes about them himself now. There was still a fair amount of them in Super 8 but far less than in Star Trek.
But yeah, 2015 will be a beast. Too bad that Justice League will suck because Warner Bros can't figure out how to proper translate a property that they have owned for over a half century. Where's Bruce Timm where you need him?
It's not so much that they don't know how to translate their property well (Nolan's movies were great and Man of Steel looks fantastic as well), it's just that it's so transparent why they're making the movie now: to cash in on the success of The Avengers.
The difference is, Avengers had five movies worth of character build-up going into it. Justice League has one, so the movie will have to introduce the new Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and re-introduce Green Lantern to the audience. (Unless, god forbid, they bring back Ryan Reynolds.)
Plus, the villains in both Justice League (Darkseid) and Avengers 2 (Thanos) will be damn near indistinguishable from each other to the general audience. So unless they pull some kind of rabbit out of their hats, I predict the movie to be a cheap cash-grab.
@Schattenu: I think Star Wars is already crippled beyond repair so as far as I'm concerned, they can do whatever they want with Ep VII and it won't hurt the franchise anymore than it already is.
As for Pacific Rim, yeah, I feel you. I'm also the only one amongst my friends constantly raving about the film. But I'm used to being the only one that's into what I'm into so I wasn't surprised. ;)
Credits, veritas.