As you folks know hot-linking is not supported by us simply because it tends to eat up other websites monthly data allowance and their admins end up paying more for their web-hosts. It's not really fair on them. Hence we have this rule in place so more websites will support us and our members. For contributors we've personally tested these tools and found them to be both useful and easy to use, we hope you do to.
All the tools listed below are safe and completely free to use.
Internet Browser Extensions Firefox Users (recommended):
Imgur Uploader 1.0.6 | QUICK DEMO GIF
One-click upload! This app has been recommended by
You do not need to sign up for an imgur account to use this app. Firefox Users:
Rehost Image | QUICK DEMO GIF
One-click upload! You do not need to sign up for an imgur account to use this app. You can also link your ImageShack account, or upload via FTP (you must set-up to use this feature in plugin options). Opera Users:
Rehost Image | QUICK DEMO GIF
One-click upload! You do not need to sign up for an imgur account to use this app. You can also link your ImageShack account, or upload via FTP (you must set-up to use this feature in plugin options). Chrome Users:
Imgur Extension | QUICK DEMO GIF
Uploads in two-clicks! This app has been recommended by & by Lifehacker
You do not need to sign up for an imgur account to use this app.
Uploading Pictures From Desktop PC Users (recommended):
Imgur Uploader | QUICK DEMO GIF
Uploads in two-clicks! Does not support multiple links but great for quick sharing an image. This app has been recommended by You do not need to sign up for an imgur account to use this app. PC Users:
Uploads in few clicks! Does support multiple links. This app has been recommended by You do not need to sign up for an imgur account to use this app.
If you have any recommendations please post them below and we'll try them out for ourselves. If we find them useful, we'll add them to the list. They must be quick and easy to use otherwise there's no point!