
I know I've asked about it before (I think), but there was this commercial once, old and whatnot, where women talked about their favorite body parts, and one SHOUTED 'my bellybutton.' Mike, I think you told me what it was for. Does anyone have it? xP

It was an ad for Jergen's lotion. I keep looking for it, but can't find it.

You sure it was for Jergens man? It did feel a lot like some of Dove's ads over the last few years. Then again, I've searched for it under that too and have still come up with nothing. Crap, this is really bothering me.


There was a Dove one, but it wasn't the one I was referring to. Like, the lady SHOUTS it.


I know dude, I remember it too. She was standing outside in winter clothes. That's why it's bothering me. I'm starting to worry that we'll never find it.


Also, does anybody remember the commercial where this woman goes to get her picture taken for some kind of photo ID? She starts making sassy poses in front of the camera and the photographer gets into it and keeps taking more pictures. Then she lifts up her shirt and a picture is taken of her bare belly. The ad ends with the woman getting her ID card with that same belly photo printed on it and walking away with a smile on her face. 8)

I don't think I've seen that one. I'd love to though. Does anyone who remembers this commercial remember what product or service it was for?

Here's that Blood Omen 2 commercial I mentioned before. Warning, it does get a tiny bit bloody.

http://vimeo . com / 20033607

Ooo. That's pretty sweet . The description says that the person who posted it spliced in gameplay footage. Does that mean their was more belly button footage in the original ad, or does it mean that the person who posted the ad was part of the crew who originally made the ad back in the day, and his job was splicing in gameplay footage?

I'm pretty sure his involvement was strictly limited to the gameplay parts. Still, it'd be nice to know how they filmed or even came up with that sexy little opening.

I've remembered three commercials for a while now. The first was that Jergens one that Sodo and MikeBrooklyn talked about. The second was the Blood Omen 2 one I just posted, and the last and most recent one was the Photo ID that I mentioned. A few weeks ago, I finally decided to commit to tracking them all down again. Unfortunately, Blood Omen 2 was all I've uncovered so far and that alone was pretty hard to find. Hell, I even posted a question on AOL Answers in desperation. Let's all really hope the other two aren't lost forever.


My bad. And yeah, hopefully. Too bad you can't use a wayback machine for commercials, or whatever that program is called. :P


I swear up and down that the ad you're searching for is for Jergen's. It's exactly as you described, with the woman dress for winter, being asked what her favorite body part is, and she shouts "my bellybutton", while lifting her shirt up and exposing an innie. I've searched everywhere, and even Jergen's YouTube page turned up empty.


I believe you Mike. You don't be any chance remember what year it came out? I'd say say somewhere around 2002 but I was a lot younger back then.


Found it it's the 1st one


Found it it's the 1st one

Thank you so much dude! Man, 1999, I can't believe it was THAT old! No wonder we couldn't find it. Now I just need to find that Photo ID one.


Thank you, moe! Damn. 1999. I was eight. I'm amazed I remembered it, haha.


Thank you, moe! Damn. 1999. I was eight. I'm amazed I remembered it, haha.

I had you figured for a 90s baby, but I didn't think THAT young.

Amazing find, and the fact it's 15 years old just goes to show how powerful memory can be if it's about something that strongly interests you.

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