MikeBrooklyn The main problem with WW's costume is that her belly ISN"T exposed. So I included pics of the WW Bikini. #1. Damn, that girl is hot! #2. Here's a forum entry about the subject of Wonder Woman having a bellybutton. http://www.comicvine.com/wonder-woman/4005-2048/forums/stupid-question-385500/
TheStarTurtle Ailes Noir Cosplay Photography https://www.facebook.com/Ailes.Noir.Cosplay.Photography?fref=photo Courtoon https://www.facebook.com/Courtoon?fref=photo
TheStarTurtle Maki Roll's Chop Shop https://www.facebook.com/makilovesunicorns Sister Cacao Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/SistercacaoCosplay?fref=photo
MikeBrooklyn Maki Roll's Chop Shop https://www.facebook.com/makilovesunicorns I love this girl's bellybutton.
TheStarTurtle Lady Fett https://www.facebook.com/TheLadyFett?fref=photo Lollipop Heidi Cosplay https://www.facebook.com/LollipopHeidiCosplay?fref=photo
skyrish10 Like i did the ones for the Promogals and RQs (Racequeens), here's the close-ups for the female cosplayers also check out X-23 (cosplayer: LoneShadowWolf (http://loneshadow-wolf.deviantart.com)'s navel